Projects > Here is SG x PHUNK Studio & Singapore Tourism Board
Here is SG
Material: Onewood
Designer: PHUNK Studio
Urban Greening Specialist: Greenology
Engineering: Superstructure
Location: Singapore
Photos are courtesy of The Straits Times.
Situated in Singapore’s famous Marina Bay area, the 20m-long and 3.5m-high sculpture features the SG Mark. 'Here is SG' sculpture is introduced as the newest representation of the Singapore’s Destination Brand – Passion Made Possible.
Articulating the stories on Singapore, the sculpture showcases the endless possibilities, and the passions of Singaporeans. Joined with the vision to encourage user-generated content by the public and inspire travelers to plan their next holiday trip in Singapore.
We intentionally adopted local innovative material for the wooden part of the sculpture, it is made from 100% reconstituted timber where every fibre is sourced from fast growing and sustainable plantations.
834 pieces of wood, 1,593 pieces of metal and 900 bolts made up the "Here is SG" sculpture.